Effective January 1, 2025, all CESA (Canadian Electrical Stewardship Association) operations will be managed by the Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) in British Columbia. Please note that collection sites may experience changes in signage, collection processes, and other minor updates to improve your recycling experience.

The following categories of products are accepted in our program, and a full list of ourĀ 400+ products is available for reference.

Download Our Accepted Product Guide Here

Occasionally new products will be accepted into the program and will require the collection and reporting of fees. When this happens, we will advise you directly with no less than 90 days lead time, usually at the start of a new fiscal quarter, in order to make the update as seamless as possible. We recognize that it may not always be 100% clear if a product is included in the program or not. In the case of ambiguity, please contact us.

Excluded products

As a general rule, products that are not electric, are built-in or wired-in to a larger structure, or are already part of another stewardship program, are excluded from our program.

A word about batteries

The Regulation requires that products containing batteries are captured under a stewardship program. Our friends at Call2Recycle manage the program that has been developed to meet the needs of obligated parties who bring batteries into BC. If a product is sold that includes batteries, contact Call2Recycle to determine if there are obligations under that program as it may depend on the brand and type of batteries.

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